How to cope with sleeping problems

How to cope with sleeping problemsDo you have problems sleeping? Is this affecting your day at work? How severe are the problems and are they causing social issues with those around you? What can you do to alleviate these problems? In this article, we will try to provide you with some answers to these problems.Let’s start at the beginning. How do sleeping problems develop? Well, we all have ...

How to cope with sleeping problems

Do you have problems sleeping? Is this affecting your day at work? How severe are the problems and are they causing social issues with those around you? What can you do to alleviate these problems? In this article, we will try to provide you with some answers to these problems.

Let’s start at the beginning. How do sleeping problems develop? Well, we all have a natural degree of passivity and nervousness. This is a finely balanced mental, psychological and physical state that enables us to fall naturally to sleep at night, and wake up fresh and invigorated in the morning. When this natural balance is disturbed in a heightened state of anxiety and nervousness, we often end up with periods of insomnia, leading to situations when we should sleep but cannot (at night), and when we should be fresh and alert but we are not (during the day).

The trick to recovery is to quickly find this balance again, and there are several ways you can do this.

Performing physical exercises during the day will often help you find this balance again, but this can be difficult when you are feeling tired and cranky if you did not have a good nights’ sleep before. Don’t over do it either, moderate exercise relieves the physical stresses in your body and prepares your mind in a fit state for rest later on in the evening.

If exercise during the day is not an option, you can consider taking medication to alleviate the problem. You can quite easily pick up medication and herbal remedies for this, and although there may be side effects such as digestion related discomforts or a psychological dependence on taking substances in order to fall asleep, they can still be very effective short term solutions.

Over the long term, it is better to find a natural rhythm and balance the degree of passivity and nervousness by finding your daily routine. Avoid incidents or situations that cause heightened anxiety and stress, or where they cannot be avoided, make sure you give yourself that extra time before the end of the evening to wind down in a natural way (exercise, reading, having a hot bath or a hot drink are some examples) before you go to bed.

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