It prohibits the hunting of wild birds in the Dominican Republic for two years – CazaWonke – Hunting and Safaris, your daily hunting

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the dominican republic imposed a ban of two years to the hunt of wild birds, as well as the gathering of eggs and destruction of nests, according to published Prensa Latina.

The closed season was established from July 29, with a resolution signed by the minister Francisco Dominguez Brito, who abrogated all the permissions hunts in force and listed all the species protected by veda, including migratory birds.

“The biodiversity of the island deserves a break, we have gone very far in the destruction of habitats and we must allow them to regenerate and that wild bird populations are stable”,” he said.

Clarified that in the case of birds that affect the health or to cause damage to the crops must request a special authorization for your abate, and for the species considered invasive control will be supervised by the Directorate of Biodiversity, Ministry of Environment of the country.

He pointed out that those interested in scientific research should obey the instituted through the Regulation of Research, so that the institution environmental can assess and consider whether it is permissible or not to do so.

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