News Coronavirus Covid-19: what is important to know?

Симптомы Коронавируса

Last month world news study main topic — the epidemic of coronavirus ☣ Covid-19, the epicenter of which was crowded China. Although scientists...

Last month world news study main topic — the epidemic of coronavirus ☣ Covid-19, the epicenter of which was crowded China.

And although scientists say that the peak of the disease that fell on January 23 — February 2, was, however, the coronavirus is spreading across the globe, capturing new territory.

How to protect yourself from coronaviruses?As they say, to defeat the enemy, it is necessary to know in person.

Ways of infection

Today it is known that the coronavirus is transmitted through the air by sneezing or coughing. The incubation stage lasts from 2 to 14 days.

Some scientists suggest that infection through feces, that is in the sewer. Such a case was recorded in Hong Kong.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Симптомы Коронавируса

As reported in the Ministry of health, the most frequent signs of the disease are headache, cough, fever and shortness of breath, in some cases, diarrhea, or conjunctivitis.

In about four cases out of five, the disease occurs without complications and only 3% of patients in need of resuscitation.

Most huge threat that the new strain can cause severe pneumonia. However, the disease is dependent on age and immunity of the person.

A significant portion of people who have died in consequence of infection with the virus, had health problems. Among the deceased, a lot of elderly people with chronic diseases.

Scientists say two more symptoms — diarrhea and nausea, which were observed in 10% of patients, but appear for 1-2 days before other signs.

In some cases, developing conjunctivitis. But in General, symptoms similar to those that cause the flu virus

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