Ions and compounds
Atoms are made up of neutrons that are neutral and have no charge, protons
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BackgroundAs shortly explained in the section about how to calculate pH in a solution
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PDF library
Note:Discussions about the pdf documents are found in the 'Help & Discussions' section.Inorganic chemistry
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An introduction to Ionic Strength
BackgroundTo quantify the effect of inter-ionic interactions, such as molecular attraction and repelling, one
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Gases – the ideal gas law explained
Chemical compounds in aqueous solutions are fairly easy to handle as their quantities can
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pKa and Ka
Background informationThe Kavalue is a value used to describe the tendency of compounds or
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NaHCO3 dissolved in water – how is pH calculated?
Background about buffersA buffer is a solution that has the ability to keep pH
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pH meter pH strips
BackgroundpH meters have been used since 1936 when they were invented by the Danish
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Question about acetate buffer
This is the long and computational answer to Debra's question about what happens when
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pH strips
BackgroundSubstances with the property to change color when they come into contact with an
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