Categories: 52 Destiny cards

Spiritual Article – 16th Nov 2014

16th Nov 2014

Cards of Destiny and Spirituality

The “Cards of Destiny” is a powerful and very accurate ancient system of divination and prediction. Yet it is also easy to learn. Cards of Destiny is a spiritual science of self knowledge to help in your spiritual growth for personal transformation.

The destiny system I am referring to is about the date of birth of every person and their different life patterns. The course of our lives and the ending is all up to us as we have the freedom of choice.

The first secret you need to understand in destiny is your samskara : the engraved memories. Bhagavad Gita says samskaras are the products of darkness.

Whatever you experience in life is the outcome of your engraved memories of pre existing desires. Your samskara is responsible for everything because these are the engraved memories in our unconscious mind that stir up our desires. It is this conflict with Nature that leads to our sufferings.

The second secret is the understanding of who you are (self knowledge) – that is all you need to know – in order to alter your imprints through spiritual practice. Once altered, you will start to attract the right things in your life.

So having these understanding and knowledge will help you with the spiritual intelligence and the acceptance in your life – the intelligence to make the right decisions, and the acceptance to bear inevitable challenges.

In my work, I have strategized the use of cards and spirituality – to empower people with self knowledge and spiritual practices. This would help them master their life destiny.

Here is a glimpse of the three meditative ways to change habits and create positive thoughts. You would need to use all of them.

1. Basic meditation. Basic meditation establishes peace, calmness and stability of the mind. This enable us to remember that any negative thoughts and situations are to be observed without judgement. Just un-clutch by sitting back and being a witness. Then you will see the negatives going away when displaced with positive thoughts. From Bhagavad Gita, “Just witness thoughts. Detach yourself from regrets”.

2. By using wisdom to free the mind. For deeper inner conflicts, you need to use wisdom. Basic meditation tries to keep something at bay; but wisdom is deeper understanding. Wisdom to free the mind from a particular conflict or confusion by reliving and relieving the incident which is the root cause of it.

Recalling a memory that has emotional conflict inside you can be put to a closure or completing it without leaving any hangover residing in you. This is done by an ancient Vedic process of reliving and relieving the incident in order to remove the root patterns. The process is called the “Science of Completion”. Unless you understand how the past enters your present, you cannot get it out.

3. By Visualisation– Again there is a ancient Vedic method of properly visualising a specific desire on money, health, relationship, career, etc and that you already have it. When we think of something over and over again without self doubt, and bring emotions to the thought, we manifest the thought into reality.

How the cards and meditation help you?

Stop your worry

Basic meditation cultivate peaceful mind. With the help of “Cards of Destiny”, it will lead you to better understand how things work and therefore filter off unnecessary worry.

Stop your pains and sufferings

Deeper meditation heals the mind, body and emotion by removing the anger, depression, jealousy, hatred and violence. This is because an understanding of life patterns and through certain technique in meditation will remove negative patterns.

Remember that whatever you perceive of yourself, you will attract the same types of people into your life. If you have self doubt, self hatred and self denial, you will attract people who will doubt you, hate you and deny you. You need to correct your perception about you, as a priority.

Life has no tolerance for not taking responsibilities as this will lead to self destruction. Helping hands only come to you in the form of teaching from the cosmic laws. You cannot get away with any action so long as there is negative attitude or violence behind the act.

Avoid financial losses/ride the wealth cycle

In the ancient “card of destiny” system, when a nine of diamond appear in your yearly life chart, don’t indulge in speculation and gambling. Be prudent on your expenses and investment.

Have a look out for money cards, millionaire card and pinnacle year card, to maximise your up- cycle in wealth.

Stable and Joyful relationships

Look out for negative cards and understand those card patterns which will have impact on your relationships especially a nine or a five card. Love relationship issues are too complex. There is no easy answer. We have to accept our partner AS HE OR SHE IS. If we constantly keep trying to “chisel” each other, it will only bring unhappiness.

There is no secret formula for successful relationship. You need spiritual intelligence about life to work around it and learning how to let go from controlling to giving or when it is due. Relationship is about giving rather than demanding because giving is love energy.

For further details, you may contact me.


Ooi Chin Wah

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