The people at China’s SMY Manufacturing develop some very interesting devices; items that seem odd and fantastic. Browse their website for fun and you will be amazed. I am put in mind of tourist shops and colorful souvenirs from tacky gift stores on the one hand, and impressed by their technological skills on the other. In particular, their Simeiyue 260W Box Mod is stylish in ways other mods are not.

The Simeiyue 260W Box Mod vs other Variable Watt Mods

Most VW mods are boxes in the literal or almost literal sense. They have an industrial feel and look about them, possibly mitigated by some rounding or shaping at corners or along edges. Obvious exceptions are the mods made to appear like hybrids between tube- and box-shaped advanced personal vaporizers. Buttons come in various shapes and sizes, but variety isn’t what it could be.

At the risk of contradicting myself, I have to say the Simeiyue is an elegant box. Really, hear me out. The application of two tones and various other stylistic elements conspire to create the appearance of a treasure box; a gift one would give someone for storing keepsakes. Front and back parts are colored and framed in silver.

On the front you see the SMY logo (I think it is a dragon’s head or that of a very long-haired lion). The rectangular screen rests below this logo and the buttons for adjusting voltage/wattage sit below the screen. SMY’s design is completely symmetrical and pleasing. So as not to interrupt this symmetry, a power button is fixed to the top left. It’s a box with a difference.

Three-Battery Power

As noted, SMY’s Semeiyue is a 260W mod, so it requires three 18650 batteries to function. Gain access to these cells via the magnetic back or ask for the back to be screwed on, maybe to prevent young curious hands from playing around with your batteries. Allow 5 to 8 hours to charge your batteries. Your power range is 5W to 260W and resistance drops to as low as 0.3 ohms.

Protect Yourself

To protect users, SMY’s chip defends against battery reversal, short-circuit, low resistance, high current, or high temperature. Any of these is very likely to occur when your box can fire as high as 260W. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first mod to reach this wattage value.

USB Charge

Here is where I found a single flaw: the USB port is placed at the very bottom of your box. As a result, you have to rest this device on its side to charge it. No mention is made of pass-through vaping, but I imagine it is possible.

If you plan to try vaping while it charges, you can’t leave an RDA on top. It will have to come off. Threading is 510/eGo compatible, suitable for any 22-mm atomizer from any company as long as it can handle the watts available here.

Other Products by SMY

A 260W mod is too much power for some people to handle. If you want something with less power but has lots of style, SMY makes mods capable of 35, 60, 90, 180, and 220W. Other selections include a VV SCF1 eGo battery, mechanical mods, and atomizers. Their Big Dripper RDTA, Omega, Hades, or Stillare Storm would suit your 260W box.

Materials Found in the SMY Semeiyue 260W

One last thing: there is probably no other unit on the market made from the same materials as a Semeiyue 260W. SMY combines carbon fiber, an aluminum alloy, and glass. These make your unit tough but light, so it’s great for toting around as a wireless, high-powered electronic cigarette.

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