Categories: Box Mods

Variant TI Slim By Vicious Ant

Until recently, Vicious Ant has been the well-known maker of high end mechanical mods that sell for lots of money and are made in limited lots.

Reading the sign “sold out” below one of these mechanical mods was common and continues to be typical with their latest release.

This is probably the world’s most expensive high-watt mod: the Variant TI Slim.

TI Slim: What’s in a Name?

The outer shell gave Vicious Ant an idea for how to name their mod. It is Ti6 Grade 5 Titanium, which is both a highly precious metal with many industrial uses and an expensive material referred to as “aerospace grade.” That should give you an idea of how precious and important a material it is.

But why would a company apply this metal to the making of a box mod? And why do they refer to it as “slim?” This suggests other mods are fat by comparison. Some are, although the concept is relative. Most box mods are narrow but might not seem narrow if they are short too.

The Variant TI Slim measures 100 mm long: longer than the competitions’ mods. As fashion watchers know, when you elongate an outfit, it makes the wearer appear thinner.

Ti Grade 5 is an alloy of Titanium with other metals: 5 steps away from pure Titanium. In general, this metal is highly conductive, is easy to work with, and resists corrosion. Vape watchers can easily see why manufacturers would covet its ability to conduct electricity, for insulation, and its attractive sheen.

Grade 5 Titanium is highly sought after for its uses in many construction settings. Durability is another benefit of using Titanium vs. aluminum, for instance. Though slim, the Variant is likely to weigh a little more than you are used to.

Features of the Variant Ti Slim Mod by Vicious Ant

It’s slim by name but not by nature. Packed with features, the most significant is its 250W capacity. I thought I had read it could reach 350W somewhere, but that might be a clone.

With a tag like $699, there are lots of clones, and even those clones cost more than $200. A $699 price tag would put most people off you might imagine, and that is undoubtedly true.

They were made on a limited run so being sold out is not the same as saying Vicious Ant sold tens of thousands of their 250W mod.

Titanium is notable on the stock market for its strong performance and is chosen by many investors as an alternative to traditional shares and commodities. Even if the mod was of no use, the owner could sell it one day for its value in this sense.

A big OLED screen shows values of battery power, output, and resistance clearly for the general user of perfect or failing eyesight. Picture the average consumers able to afford this mod: he isn’t a 20-something unless you count the sort willing to go into debt for the sake of buying Vicious Ant’s latest creation. In other words, vapers old enough to say “to heck with it” and blow $700 bucks on a collectible device probably appreciate those big numbers and letters.

Lowest resistance is 0.2 ohms, but resistance is not everything. You have seen a rating of 0.15 ohms and by rights that should mean vapor is warmer as a result, but the heat of 250W is plenty to create thick, pleasingly warm vapor out of the best e liquids. No one is going to buy the Variant then cheap out on e liquid after all.

Wattage levels are 5W to 250W, volts run from 2 to 8.4, and there is a place for 510-compatible atomizers. Fire-up your mod then use up and down buttons to set your preferred temperature.

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