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Prizer Painter Stove Works Inc., of Reading, Pa. is having around 940 of its BlueStar residential gas wall ovens recalled due to the problem of improper installation as well as possible damage to flexible gas appliance connectors. Both issues pose danger of a fire hazard.
BlueStar residential gas wall ovens have been sold in appliance stores and authorized kitchen equipment dealers throughout the US from January 2008 – November 2012. The prices of these gas ovens range from $2,250-$3,900.
Although there are no reports of injuries, Prizer Painter Stove Works Inc. has received one report of a fire that resulted in kitchen cabinet damage.
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Prizer Painter BlueStar 24-inch Wall Oven
Prizer Painter BlueStar 30-inch Wall Oven
Prizer Painter BlueStar 36-inch Wall Oven
Consumers should stop using this product unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Recall date: February 7, 2013
Recall number: 13-117
Name of product: BlueStar(tm) residential gas wall ovens
Hazard: Some of the wall ovens have been improperly installed and/or have damaged flexible gas appliance connectors, posing a fire hazard.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ovens, contact BlueStar for instructions on identifying affected units and to schedule a repair.
Consumer Contact: BlueStar; at (800) 449-8691, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or online at www.bluestarcooking.com and click on “Recall” for more information.
Photos available at: http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Recalls/2013/BlueStar-Wall-Ovens-Recalled-by-Prizer-Painter-Stove-Works/
Units: About 940
Description: This recall involves all colors of three models of BlueStar gas-powered stainless steel wall ovens manufactured prior to November 23, 2012. Oven sizes include 24-, 30- and 36-inche wide units. Each of the three sizes was available for use with natural gas or liquid propane. The propane version is designated by the letter “L” at the end of the model number. Model numbers and date codes are located on the rating plate inside the control panel. There is a BlueStar logo on the upper left front of the oven, above the door.
Model Name | Model Numbers (Applies for all colors)
24-Inch BlueStar(tm) residential wall oven with swing door | BWO24AGS BWO24AGSL
30-Inch BlueStar(tm) residential wall oven with French doors | BWO30AGS BWO30AGSL
36 -Inch BlueStar(tm) residential wall oven with French doors | BWO36AGS BWO36AGSL
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received one report of a fire, resulting in property damage to the cabinet that held the oven. No injuries have been reported.
Sold at: Appliance stores and authorized kitchen equipment dealers nationwide between January 2008 through November 2012 for between $2,250 and $3,900.
Manufacturer: Prizer Painter Stove Works Inc., of Reading, Pa.
Manufactured in: United States
Toll-free Consumer Hotline
800-638-2772 (TTY 301-595-7054)
Call to obtain product safety and other agency information and to report unsafe products.
Hotline staff may be reached from 8:00 am–5:30 pm ET. Messages may be left anytime after these hours. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Media Contact
Please use the below phone number for all media requests.
Phone: (301) 504-7908
Spanish: (301) 504-7800