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To keep your dishwasher running trouble-free and most efficiently, it is important to clean dishwasher spray arms at regular intervals – preferably every few months.
Spray arms on dishwasher machines contain small holes that can get clogged with bits of food, pieces of paper, and other items that are washed off the dishes. When the spray arm holes are clear, water can spray out unimpeded and your dishwasher will work at its best potential.
Dishwasher Arm Assembly
If the spray arms are so clogged that they cannon be cleared, you need to replace them with a new part.
Video on how to replace the center arm on your dishwasher
If glass is found in the spray arm, there is a likelihood that glass pieces might be lodged in the pump housing as well. Disassembling the entire component, then clean any glass or hard debris that you find in the pump housing.
If pump housing and the motor shows signs of damage, it should be replaced.
Make sure to check the motor spin seal to make sure that it wasn’t damaged. If there is any sign of damage, there could be water leaking at the main pump motor. If this happens, you will need to replace the motor spin seal with a new part.
For all your dishwasher parts, instructional videos, repair help, maintenance tips and more, visit this excellent appliance resource.
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