Frigidaire Dishwasher Making a Loud Buzzing Noise

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Dishwasher pump motor with slinger

2005 Frigidaire Dishwasher

When trying to re-circulate water, dishwasher makes a very loud buzzing sound. It sounds like the ball bearing is worn out on the motor. The owner thought of replacing the circulation motor and was looking for advice.


If your problem is just the motor, the solution is simple. It is basically a matter of turning and snapping into place, once the wires and relevant items are removed. But, it can be hard at times to get underneath it;  it depends on how much clearance there is.  The circulation motor comes as part of a kit, the motor kit.  The housing might need to be changed as well.  Frigidaire dishwasher now has a one motor kit instead of having two or three different motors.

A lot of Frigidaire dishwashers have a locking mechanism for the pump and motor assembly. If the machine is making a lot of noise, then something is probably broken in the impeller or in the motor pump assembly, or the bearings could be gone.

If the entire motor kit needs to be replaced, make sure to replace the pump housing as well. This kind of Frigidaire dishwasher repair is not difficult for a DIYer to complete. Most motor pump assemblies cost between a hundred and twenty and a hundred and fifty dollars.

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