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Instructions for replacing the door boot seal on front-load washing machines made by Frigidaire, Electrolux, Crosley, and Kenmore.
Buy Washer Part Here: Front-Load Washer Door Boot Seal
Tools needed: screwdriver, needle nose pliers.

Washing Machine Gasket or Seal
As with any repair, be sure you unplug the appliance before beginning.
1. Your first step is to remove the screws at the back of the top panel and pull the panel off.
2. Next, pull out the dispenser drawer and depress the tab near the back to release it.
3. Remove the housing screws as well as the control panel screws on top.
4. Now depress the tabs to release the control panel, and move it out of the way.
5. Use needle nose pliers to remove the wire clamp and spring, and pull the boot seal off the lip of the front panel.
6. If applicable, remove both the light and the door glass rinse tube from the boot seal.
7. Carefully lift the washer up and support it with a wood block or comparable sturdy object. This will allow you to remove the screws from the bottom of the front panel.
8. Set the washer back down and remove the screws at the top of the panel.
9. Now lift the panel up and out to detach.
10. Disconnect the front panel wire harness and set the panel aside.
11. You’re now ready to replace the door boot seal. Pull the old boot seal off, along with the spring clamp.
12. Prepare the new boot seal for installation by applying liquid dish soap to lubricate the groove.
13. Align the point around the boot seal with the tab on the tub lip, making sure the ports in the boot seal are on top.
14. Now push the port seal’s grooved edge over the lip of the tub and work your way around the entire tub opening. Be aware this may require some effort.
15. Starting at the top, insert the spring clamp into the boot seal’s outer groove.
16. Use the provided spacers to help keep the spring clamp in place during installation.
17. Reconnect the front panel wire harness and reposition the panel by aligning the holes in the panel with the nylon pins on the frame.
18. Replace the screws at the top of the panel.
19. Lift and support the washer, then replace the screws at the bottom of the front panel.
20. Set the washer back down and, if applicable, reposition the door glass rinse tube and the light in the boot seal.
21. Align the new boot seal with the front panel and secure it with the wire clamp and spring.
22. Reposition the control panel and snap it into place.
23. Replace the screws on top as well as in the dispenser drawer housing.
24. Reinstall the dispenser drawer.
25. Reposition the top panel and secure it with the screws.
26. You’re now ready to plug the appliance back in to make sure it’s functioning properly.
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