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Liebherr-Hausgeraete Lienz GmbH (Austrian company) is recalling 8,000 of its freestanding, 30 inch wide bottom freezer refrigerator units. The refrigerator door can detach on its own and cause injury to users, especially children.(Release #12-043)
Please read for details:
Liebherr Expands Recall of Refrigerators Due to Injury Hazard; Door Can Detach
WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 16, 2011 – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Liebherr Freestanding 30-Inch Wide, Bottom Freezer Refrigerators

Liebherr Expands Recall of Refrigerators Due to Injury Hazard
Units: About 8,000 units (About 5,700 built-in 30-inch wide, bottom freezer refrigerators were recalled in March 2011)
Importer: Liebherr-Canada Ltd of Ontario, of Canada
Manufacturer: Liebherr-Hausgeraete Lienz GmbH, of Austria.
Hazard: The refrigerator’s door can detach, posing an injury hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Liebherr has received 16 additional reports of doors detaching on the freestanding refrigerators, including two reports of injuries involving bruising and strains.
Description: This recall involves Liebherr freestanding 30-inch wide, bottom freezer refrigerators with model and index numbers listed below. The refrigerators were sold individually or as side-by-side companion units. The refrigerators come in a stainless steel finish. “Liebherr” is on the upper center of the refrigerator door and the top interior control panel. The model number can be found on a label located behind the bottom drawer on the left interior side of the single door refrigerator.

Where to Find Liebherr Refrigerator Model Numbers?
Model Number: CS 1601
Index Numbers: 10 / 237, 10A, 237, 10B / 237, 10C / 237, 10D / 237, 10E / 237, 10I / 237, 10J / 237
Model Number: CS 1640
Index Numbers: 10 / 137, 10A / 137, 10E / 137, 10F / 137
Model Number: CS 1650
Index Numbers: 10 / 137, 10A / 137, 10B / 137, 10C / 137, 10D / 137, 10E / 137, 10F / 137, 10G / 137, 10K / 137, 10L / 137
Sold at: Appliance and specialty retailers nationwide from February 2004 through July 2009 for between $3,500 and $3,800.
Manufactured in: Austria
Remedy: Consumers with recalled refrigerators should contact Liebherr immediately to schedule a free in-home repair. Consumers should check their refrigerator immediately to see whether the door hinge pin has become loose as indicated by a popped up hinge pin at the top. If the hinge has not become loose and the door is functioning properly, consumers may continue to use the refrigerator until it is repaired.
Customer contact: For additional information, contact Liebherr toll-free at (877) 337-2653 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT or visit Liebherr’s website at www.liebherr.us
To see this recall on CPSC’s web site, including pictures of the recalled products, please go to: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml12/12043.html