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Instructions for replacing the bake element on electric ranges made by Frigidaire, Electrolux, Gibson, Kelvinator, Tappan, and Kenmore.
Buy Part: Bake Element

Bake Element
Tools needed: ¼” nut driver, pliers.
As with any repair, be sure you unplug the appliance before beginning.
- Your first step is to remove the oven racks.
- Next, remove the mounting screws and carefully pull out the old bake element.
- Disconnect the two wires and remove the old element. Be aware that if you are unable to easily reach the wires, you may need to remove the back panel to access them.
- Install the new bake element by connecting the wires, inserting the element into the oven cavity, and securing the mounting screws.
- Replace the back panel if necessary.
- Replace the oven racks.
- Plug the appliance back in to make sure it’s functioning properly.
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