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Hot Surface Glow Bar Igniter
Instructions for replacing the bake igniter on gas ranges made by Frigidaire, Electrolux, Gibson, Kelvinator, Tappan, and Kenmore.
Range, Stove, Oven Repair Video: Range Bake Igniter Replacement
Oven Part: Range Bake Igniter
Tools needed: flat head screwdriver, ¼” nut driver.
- As with any repair, be sure you unplug the appliance before beginning. Your first step is to remove the racks from inside the oven. Next, flip the hinge locks down on either side of the oven door. Now lift the door up and out. Remove the screws securing the oven’s bottom panel, and lift the panel out. Remove the screws and detach the burner shield. Unscrew the mounting screws to release the old igniter.
- Your next step is to disconnect the wire. Be aware that you may need to remove the appliance’s back panel, or the storage drawer, to access the wire connector. With the wire disconnected, remove the old igniter. Install the new igniter by first reconnecting the wire. Then carefully mount the igniter to the burner tube using the screws. Be careful not to touch the element itself.
- Replace the burner shield and screws. Replace the bottom panel and secure the screws. If necessary, replace the back panel or the storage drawer. Reinstall the oven door by lining the hinge hooks with the holes in the cabinet and push the hinge locks back into place. Replace the oven racks. Plug the appliance back in, to make sure it’s functioning properly.
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