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Instructions for replacing the oven clock control on Frigidaire, Electrolux, Gibson, Kelvinator, Tappan, and Kenmore gas ranges.
Range Part: Oven Control Board or Electronic Clock Control

Oven Control Board
Tools needed: ¼” nut driver, Phillips head screwdriver.
As with any repair, be sure you unplug the appliance before beginning.
- Your first step is to remove the upper back panel.
- Next remove the screws securing the old clock control.
- Install the new clock control by first transferring the clock overlay from the old component to the new one.
- Position the new clock control in the control housing and secure it with the screws.
- Now transfer the wires from the old clock control to the new one, making sure you line up the pins accurately.
- Replace the back panel.
- Plug the appliance back in to make sure it’s functioning properly.
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