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Spring is officially here, so many of us are starting with spring cleaning and trying to set our house in order.
Don’t forget to clean your home appliances, especially your refrigerator.
A lot of dust has accumulated under the refrigerator coils during the close winter months. Cleaning up the dust and doing good maintenance on your refrigerator is good for your appliance, your budget and the environemnt in general. Your appliance will last much longer and will run at its top capacity, saving energy in the long run.
Tips on cleaning your refrigerator this spring:
The first thing to do is pull your refrigerator away from the wall. How?

Floor protector for appliance moving
Grasp the unit near the bottom, pull it straight out, and be careful not to scratch your floor. Experts recommend an easy accessory for this task, the Easy Glide Tracks, to make this process easier and your floor safe from damage.

Refrigerator Drawer Components
Now is also a good time to replace broken, sagging or worn shelves and drawers in your refrigerator or freezer.

Refrigerator Shelf and Related Components Parts
How can you prevent your shelves and refrigerator brackets from breaking in the future? Don’t overload your unit, slam the door too strongly or force the shelves in place. Also, try not to place too many food items on the shelves.

Refrigerator condenser cleaning coil brush
At least once a year, you should clean the condenser coils located under your refrigerator. This will allow your refrigerator to work at its best energy efficiency.