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Easy ways to save energy on your home appliances:

  • Keep refrigerator temperature at 35 to 40 F.
  • Keep freezer section temperature at 0 to 5 F.
  • Keep stand alone freezer temperature at 0 F.
  • When buying a new refrigerator/freezer unit, select one with automatic moisture control.
  • Make sure refrigerator door gasket is keeping your unit tightly insulated so no air can seep through. Replace gasket or seal if necessary.

Refrigerator Door Gasket

  • Keep refrigerator door closed as much as possible – especially in hot weather.
  • Clean the coils behind or under refrigerator unit with a long appliance brush.

Refrigerator and freezer condenser coil cleaning brush

  • Regularly clean any ice build-up in your freezer.
  • When cooking smaller meals, use toaster oven or microwave instead of range oven.
  • The flame on your gas stove burner should always be blue, never yellow.
  • If buying a new gas stove, consider purchasing a model that includes an automatic, electric ignition system.
  • Skip pre-rinsing dishes if you have a newer dishwasher.
  • Run your dishwasher only with a full load.
  • Always air dry dishes in dishwasher.
  • Clean lint filter on dryer before every load. Replace lint filter if damaged.

Lint filters for most types and brands of dryer

  • Clean dryer vent to ensure air flows freely.
  • Always buy small appliances (curling irons, coffee pots, irons, etc.) with time limited shut-off switches.
  • Plug as many small electronics into a power strip as you can – so you can turn them all off with one click.
  • Replace old, power hungry appliances, television sets, etc. with newer energy efficient models.
  • When shopping for new appliances, compare the annual energy consumption and operating cost for each unit by looking at the bright-yellow and black Energy Guide label.

More information on saving energy and living green.

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