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Dishwasher Door Gasket
Instructions for replacing the door gasket on dishwashers made by Frigidaire, Electrolux, Gibson, Kelvinator, Tappan, and Kenmore.
Dishwasher Repair Video: Dishwasher Door Gasket Replacement
Dishwasher Part: Dishwasher Door Gasket
Tools needed: none.
- Open the dishwasher door to access the old gasket.
- If still intact, remove the old gasket from the tank channel by taking hold of one end and pulling outward.
- To install the new door gasket, first soak it in hot water to soften it.
- Once softened, align the dot on the gasket with the door latch, and feed the gasket into the tank channel.
- Use your finger to press each section in evenly.
- Once the gasket is fully installed, be sure to lock the door and keep it closed for several hours. This will allow the new gasket to properly form a seal around the door.
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