School has already started (or will be starting soon) in most parts of the country and households are doing a lot more laundry.
What can you do to make sure that your laundry machine works at its best and that your laundry comes out clean, fresh and mold and mildew free?

Your Laundry Resource!
By the very nature of their surroundings (like laundry rooms and basements), washing machines are usually located in confined and damp locations and deal with a variety of dirt and materials.
Odors frequently develop in these environments.
Newer, high efficiency washers are specifically designed to use less water and to seal more tightly when their doors close. In addition, environmentally and energy conscious consumers use less bleach, more fabric softener and wash with cold water on more wash cycles. These practices contribute to the accumulation of residues and bio-film, increasing the potential for odors, mold and mildew in your washing machine.
Here are a few simple but very useful maintenance tips for keeping your washing machine clean and your laundry odor free:
- Washing machines require regular cleaning and maintenance – read your owner’s manual for specific instructions. Using a product like Affresh once a month, will keep your machine clean and odor free.
- Open windows or increase air flow and to air your laundry room or basement out.
- Never leave wet laundry in your washer for extended periods of time. As soon as the wash cycle ends, take the clothes out and place in dryer, or an outdoor clothes line. Wet fabric can quickly develop unpleasant odor, mold or mildew.
- Use only the appropriate and recommended amount of detergent.
- If you own a high-efficiency washing machine, make sure to ONLY use high-efficiency (HE) laundry detergent. If you use regular detergent, excessive suds can leave behind gunk, residue and film in your machine’s interior. Visit for a selection of cleaning products that help with residue prevention and removal. Excessive suds do not make your laundry cleaner but they do cause odor, mold and mildew.
More washing machine tips, repair help, information, parts and repair videos.