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Carpet Cleaner Parts, Repair Advice, Tips and more
Whether you own a carpet cleaning machine or rent one from the nearest supermarket, you need to know how to use the equipment properly.
Here are a few easy and useful tips on how to use carpet cleaners to clean your carpet efficiently and effectively:
- Experts recommend that you remove all furniture from the room that you are currently cleaning – that way you can pick up dust and dirt from hard to reach places.
- Before you start cleaning your carpet with a carpet cleaning machine, carefully vacuum every part of the carpet to pick up all surface dirt and debris.
- Read manual instructions that came with your machine (as well as instructions that come with the cleaning solution that you are using) and follow all information and concerns carefully – especially warnings regarding children, people with respiratory issues and pets.
- Detach the plastic tank that holds the liquid cleanser or shampoo from the carpet cleaning machine and prepare a specified amount of cleaner and water mix directly in the tank. Most carpet cleaning machine ratios require 1 cup of cleaner to a full tank of water.
- Reattach the plastic tank to the carpet cleaner, and secure the it to the machine by replacing a metal bail over its top.
- Turn the power switch on, and activate the switch or lever that hoses the hot cleaning solution directly onto the carpet. Slowly run the machine over a four by four foot area of carpet.
- Release the cleaning lever dispenser, then push the carpet cleaner over the area that was just shampooed, slowly letting the machine extract as much dirt as possible. You will achieve best results by pulling the carpet cleaner toward you, rather than away from you, while it works on extracting solution and dirt from the area.
- Repeat the same steps on the next four by four foot section of your carpet.
- When the tank of the carpet cleaning machine runs out of solution, mix another tank and reattach the same way as you did earlier.
- Once you have finished cleaning the entire carpet in the room – turn on fans and open windows wide to promote movement of air – and leave like that until the carpet is completely dry.
- Depending on weather conditions and levels of humidity, it might take several hours to a full day for the carpet to dry.
- Once the carpet has dried completely, vacuum the room one more time to loosen carpet fibers, then replace the furniture.
- Your carpet will look clean, the entire room will be refreshed. Just in time for the holidays!
Carpet cleaner parts, repair help, videos, tips and more.

Tagged as: carpet cleaner belt, carpet cleaner flter, carpet cleaner water pump, carpet cleaner water tank