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Vacuum cleaners lose suction over time, most commonly when the filter clogs or the vacuum bag becomes overfilled. As a result, the vacuum cleaner motor works less efficiently.
Beater brushes that are starting to wear out or disintegrate can also contribute to less powerful suction as can hoses clogged with dirt and household debris.
Tips for cleaning your vacuum cleaner and making sure it works at its full capacity:
Vacuum cleaner bags for most brands, types and models of vacuum cleaners
Filters for most vacuum cleaners
Beater brushes or brushrolls for most types, brands and models of vacuum cleaners
Vacuum cleaner belt drive for most types, brands and models of vacuum cleaners
A vast selection of vacuum cleaner attachments
Your vacuum cleaner should work well now. If you are still not happy with the power of its suction, something might be wrong with the vacuum cleaner motor. You should take your vacuum cleaner to a repair shop, for an expert to check out.
Vacuum Cleaner Parts, Repair Help, Instructional Videos, Tips, Information and more
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