Categories: Vacuum Cleaner

Improve Vacuum Cleaner Suction

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Vacuum cleaners lose suction over time, most commonly when the filter clogs or the vacuum bag becomes overfilled. As a result, the vacuum cleaner motor works less efficiently.

Beater brushes that are starting to wear out or disintegrate can also contribute to less powerful suction as can hoses clogged with dirt and household debris.

Tips for cleaning your vacuum cleaner and making sure it works at its full capacity:

  • If your vacuum cleaner collects dust into a bag, remove the old vacuum bag and replace it with a new one of the same type. Depending on your home conditions (pet hair, number of inhabitants, etc.) you should replace the vacuum bag at least every few weeks.

Vacuum cleaner bags for most brands, types and models of vacuum cleaners

  • If your vacuum cleaner is the bag-less type, remove the canister and empty if of all dust and dirt. Next, wipe the filter clean of all debris, then wash it according to manufacturer’s instructions. Replace vacuum cleaner filter (air filter, HEPA filter or breather filter) if necessary.

Filters for most vacuum cleaners

  • To check if the vacuum beater brush or brushroll is malfunctioning, plug the vacuum in, turn it on, then turn your machine on its side to make sure that the beater brush is spinning. If the beater brush is not working, check for wrap-around strings, pieces of plastic, or other long objects that may be tangled in the brush. Remove by hand or cut debris off with scissors. If the beater brush has been damaged, replace with a new part, making sure to match to the same model of vacuum cleaner.

Beater brushes or brushrolls for most types, brands and models of vacuum cleaners

  • If the vacuum beater spins without obstruction, but there is still no suction, the vacuum beater belt or best drive might need to be replaced. Check instructions on your manufacturer manual if you have it, or remove the front cover on your vacuum cleaner, take off the beater brush, remove the broken belt and replace with a new one.

Vacuum cleaner belt drive for most types, brands and models of vacuum cleaners

  • Once all this is done, turn your vacuum cleaner on and place your hand over the hose to check for suction. If you still feel week or no suction, turn the machine off, detach the hose, and check inside the vacuum hose attachment for obstruction. If you notice an object stuck in the hose, detach it with a long broom handle and push to remove it. For a vast selection of vacuum attachments, visit this excellent resource.

A vast selection of vacuum cleaner attachments

Your vacuum cleaner should work well now. If you are still not happy with the power of its suction, something might be wrong with the vacuum cleaner motor. You should take your vacuum cleaner to a repair shop, for an expert to check out.

Vacuum Cleaner Parts, Repair Help, Instructional Videos, Tips, Information and more

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