[Read] Answer: What would be the official cause of death on autopsy if performed on a decapitated cockroach?

What would be the official cause of death on autopsy if performed on a decapitated cockroach?

    • blood loss
    • central nerve damage
    • shock
    • starvation

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Clipped from:

    • blood loss 6.57%
    • central nerve damage 38.5%
    • shock 12.5%
    • starvation 42.4%

Cockroaches, along with some other insects, can survive for weeks after suffering decapitation. The cockroach’s circulatory system is an open system. Remove the head and the cockroach’s neck will often seal off the wound by clotting, thus preventing uncontrolled bleeding. The roach’s brain has no control over its breathing, and the blood of the cockroach doesn’t carry oxygen. When a decapitated cockroach dies, it is usually the result of starvation. Without a head, it cannot eat. Source: ScientificAmerican.com

Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, which also includes termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests.

The cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back at least as far as the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors however lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects without special adaptations like the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs; they have chewing mouthparts and are likely among the most primitive of living neopteran insects. They are common and hardy insects, and can tolerate a wide range of environments from Arcticcold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger than temperate species, and, contrary to popular belief, extinct cockroach relatives and ‘roachoids’ such as the Carboniferous Archimylacris and the Permian Apthoroblattina were not as large as the biggest modern species.

Some species, such as the gregarious German cockroach, have an elaborate social structure involving common shelter, social dependence, information transfer and kin recognition. Cockroaches have appeared in human culture since classical antiquity. They are popularly depicted as dirty pests, though the great majority of species are inoffensive and live in a wide range of habitats around the world.

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