The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China expressed outrage on Tuesday when he was asked about a tweet from the President trump, who has called the epidemic the “China virus.”
“The world health organization and the international community is strongly against the Association of the virus with specific countries and regions and against his stigmatized”, — said the representative Geng Shuang, did not mention the name of the trump name. “We urge the us side to immediately correct its error and immediately stop the groundless accusations against China”.
Almost two months after the outbreak of the coronavirus in Central China turned into an emergency situation in the country, the daily number of new infections in the country were the official data to zero. But all this is according to official figures, the actual can vary greatly.
On Monday it was reported only one new infection is of local origin, according to the daily update of cases of coronavirus the National Commission of health of China. A new case was in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak.
Important:we recommend to watch the first symptoms of the coronavirus in humans and preventive measures to reduce the chance of infection. A graph that is on the main page of our project is a detailed online map of coronavirus with data updates every 15 minutes.