Washington, most affected by coronavirus, Tuesday begins to conduct primary election campaign in 2020. All citizens vote by mail, which eliminates most concerns about viral transmission.
On the eve of November, the Congress should consider Federal Legislation that would resolve potential problems with the vote, said Rick Hasen, an expert on election law at the law school of the University of California, Irvine. “What if one part of the country will suffer, for example California or Florida?” he said. “The closer we are approaching the elections, the harder it is to come up with rules that look fair“.
Officials of public health said that all persons over the age of 60 are most at risk and should avoid the crowds. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 77 years old, Bernie Sanders is 78 years old, and Mr. Trump 73.
On Sunday, the campaign Biden said that “will serve as an example in following the advice of experts and the observance of reasonable measures to reduce the risk of the spread of coronavirus“.
Sanders was asked by CNN presenter Jake Tappero: should all three candidates to limit their campaign and to avoid mass gatherings of people?, what Sanders said,”Perhaps it would be in the best of all possible options. But now we do everything that in our forces“.