We have collected common questions about ☣ coronavirus and answers!✅
• Coronaviruses include several serious respiratory viruses in humans, including the Coronavirus of SARS and MERS coronavirus
• Newly discovered coronavirus described in Asia and is called the novel coronavirus or “2019-nCoV”
• The virus comes from animals (called zoonoses), from which it has spread to people
• Symptoms same as the flu with fever (> 38 degrees Celsius), sore throat, pain and soreness in the muscles and coughing.
• The infection often goes away
• In some cases developed life-threatening viral pneumonia with severe shortness of breath, chest pain and failure of vital organs.
What symptoms should pay special attention to?
Fever (> 38 degrees C) and respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) in people who:
• within 14 days were in the area with the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus
• within two weeks was in contact with the person who presumably infected with the novel coronavirus
Is there a map of the spread of the virus online?
Yes, there are you can track the coronavirus online on our website regularly.
The process of infection
Infection is excreted in the Airways and sick people excrete the virus during coughing and sneezing. If you are near an infected person, viral particles can be inhaled.
Viral particles in the skin that are transmitted, for example, a handshake can spread in the respiratory tract, if you RUB them into the nostrils or around them with your fingers.
If the coronavirus infects?
Yes, it’s contagious. The spread of infection like influenza virus.
Whether coronavirus hereditary?
No, it’s not hereditary.
Get sick and die only older people?
No, it was not a few cases where infected children. Age doesn’t matter, as a rule, the younger the organism the disease is easier proceeds.
It will also be useful to read Who is most susceptible to coronavirus in Russia is an experienced doctor in the country.
What can I do for prevention?
Thorough hand hygiene (frequent washing) to prevent infection by many types of respiratory virus.
How can I avoid infection with coronavirus?
• Avoid travelling to areas where outbreaks have
• Avoid contact with people who may be infected with the novel coronavirus
• Viruses are excreted from the respiratory tract — there is no evidence that the liquid for mouth rinsing can prevent infection in public places
When should I seek help?
If you believe that you can become infected with the novel coronavirus, please contact your doctor by phone. Due to the risk of infection, avoid the need to visit a doctor in the emergency Department.
What can a doctor?
If there is a suspected infection caused by a novel coronavirus, the doctor can organize the reception in a special hospital ward.
As the disease develops?
• The time from infection to onset of symptoms (called the incubation time) is about one week, but can be both shorter and longer (from 2 to 12 days).
• For a start, a cough, sore throat, soreness, and muscle pain and fever above 38 degrees (> 38 degrees Celsius) — as the flu