Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Tuesday morning, the second confirmed case of coronavirus in new York, saying that a man aged 50 years in Westchester County, near new York, gave a positive result.
According to authorities, the man initially went to the hospital in Westchester about four or five days ago, before it was confirmed that he was infected with coronavirus.
The patient, whose test has been confirmed for a night in new York, is a lawyer who works in Manhattan and lives in new Rochelle. Mr. Cuomo said the new patient was respiratory disease, and it is now in new York-Presbyterian hospital in the city. In the mayor’s office said he was in “serious condition“.
Although he recently went to Miami, he had not visited any of the areas that are known centers of transmission of the virus. For new York this means that new coronavirus should no longer be seen as an external threat, which has not yet come.
Health authorities in new York are currently trying to track down a transmission chain in both directions. They are trying to learn from whom he contracted, and to whom he could pass it.
“Researchers at the diseases of cities and States are working closely to define the subtle connection and appropriate next steps of solving the problem,” — said in a statement, new York mayor bill de Blasio.
Two children men have a connection with new York. One child attends a Jewish high school in Riverdale, which was closed Tuesday as a precaution. Another College student in the city, which, according to officials, lives on campus, was symptoms associated with the disease COVID-19.