5th Call for Applications: CAPREx Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships
The University ofGhana(UG) in partnership with the Makerere University (Mak), Uganda and the University of Cambridge, UK is pleased to announce the5thCall for Applicationsfor post-doctoral research fellowships under the CAPREx (Cambridge-Africa Partnership for Research Excellence)Programme.
The programme which is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York focuses on building research capacity in the two African institutions. The CAPREx programme has since 2010 provided a total of 27 fully funded post-doctoral fellowships to UGfaculty membersto spend up to 6 months at the University of Cambridge working with Cambridge based collaborators on specific research areas.
Full time faculty members from the College of Basic and Applied Sciences as well as faculty members from other UG Colleges doing research on infectious diseases are eligible to apply for this fellowship. Please click here to see the full announcement which contains full details on eligibility requirements.
Submission of applications and deadline
Interested eligible faculty members should complete the Expression of Interest Form and submit electronically (by email) with all the necessary attachments in PDF format tocaprex@ug.edu.ghlatest by the close of day on5th November, 2016.
Please visit the programme website for more information on the CAPREx programme.