Admissions into the Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) 2016/2017 Academic Year
The University ofGhanaSchool ofMedicineand Dentistry (UGSMD) is inviting applications from qualified applicants for admission into the Graduate Entry MedicalProgrammefor the2016/2017Academic Year.
Entry Requirements
- Applicants should have a good (B.Sc) First Degree (Minimum of 2ndClass Lower) in the following science-based courses: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physician Assistant, Pharmacy, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Science, Engineering, Laboratory Sciences, Physiotherapy and Radiography.
- Candidates should have obtained a good WASSCE/SSSCE grade in three (3) core subjects and three (3) elective subjects.
- There should be evidence of having completed National Service (if applicable).
Nature of Programme and Duration
The Graduate Entry Medical Programme is an integrated4-yearMedical Programme which leads to the award ofMB ChB. The Programme will begin in April, 2016 and will be run on aFULL-TIME andNON-RESIDENTIAL BASIS.
Cost of Application Forms
An Application Form costs One Hundred and FiftyGhanaCedis (GH¢150.00) for Local Ghanaian Applicants and One Hundred US Dollars (US$100.00) for Foreign Applicants.
Access Course Form sells at Three Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GH¢350.00) for all Applicants. The price of the form covers tuition cost.
Mode of Application
All Forms can be purchased from the Academic Affairs Office (Room 6 & 23) of theUniversity of GhanaSchool of Medicine and Dentistry, Administration Block, Korle-Bu. Alternatively, the forms may be downloaded from UGSMD website ( or UG website ( and payment made upon submission of the completed forms.
Download GEMP Application form for Local applicants 2016/2017 academic year
Download GEMP Application form for foreign applicants 2016/2017 academic year
Download GEMP Access course form for 2016/2017 academic year
- Foreign Applicants should access application forms on UGSMD website ( or UG website ( and payment made to FGN-USD (0162074485604301)University of Ghana, College ofHealthSciences,Legonbranch.Kindly indicate SMD-GEMP on the pay slip.
- CompletedForeign Application Formstogether with scanned pay slip should be submitted through the e-mail The original transcript should be submitted to Academic Affairs of the University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry, Administration Block, Korle-Bu.
Deadline for Submission of Forms
All completed application forms and its attachments should reach the Academic Affairs Section (Rooms 6 & 23) of the University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry, Administration Block not later thanFriday, 8thJanuary, 2016.
For further information please contact the GEMP Secretariat:
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00 pm
+233 302-661446
+233 302-666987/8
Prospective applicants should take note of the following dates regarding the Graduate Entry Medical Programme admissions:
- Access Course – Monday, 1st February – Friday, 12thFebruary, 2016
- Entrance Examination – Tuesday, 16thFebruary, 2016
- Interview – Wednesday – Thursday, 17th– 18thFebruary, 2016
- Orientation/Registration – Monday, 4thApril – Friday, 8thApril, 2016
- Workshop on Teaching &
Learning Methodologies – Monday, 11thApril – Thursday, 14thApril, 2016
- Lectures Begin – Monday, 18thApril, 2016
Eligible applicants will be admitted into the Programme subject to passing an Entrance Examination and Oral Interview.
The Access Course covers English Language, Quantitative Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Cellular and Molecular Biology.
The course will take place at the University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry, Korle-Bu from 9:00am – 4:00pm each day.
Participation in the Access Course is NOT compulsory but it is highly recommended.
The Entrance Examination takes place on Tuesday, 16thFebruary, 2016. There will be only one centre –AccraCentre.
The Entrance Examination will take place at the University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry, New Examination Hall, Korle-Bu, Accra – Ghana as follows:.
- Paper 1 – General Paper is from 8:00am – 10:30am
- Paper 2 – Scientific Foundations of Medicine is from 11:30am – 2:30pm.
It is expected that all applicants will arrange to be in Accra, Ghana within the periods stated above.