How To Apply Kumasi Polytechnic

How To Apply Kumasi Polytechnic...

How To Apply Kumasi Polytechnic

Applying toKumasi Polytechnicis very easy. The steps below will serve as aguidein your application process.

Note: Candidates writing WASSCE Examinations in May/June, 2016 can apply and bring their results as soon as they are released.


Bachelor ofTechnologyApplicants   –           GH ¢130.00
HND Applicants                                  –            GH ¢130.00
Matured Applicants                            –           GH ¢130.00
DiplomaProgrammesApplicants       –           GH ¢130.00
Foreign Applicants                             –             US $50.00

NOTE TO FOREIGN APPLICANTS: Payment for an application can be deposited intoECOBANK Account No. 00452014470095301in any African country. A scanned copy of the payment slip should be emailed the processing of the application.


A card with an application code and admission requirement Brochure can be obtained from the following places.

  1. Kumasi PolytechnicCash office
  2. All Regional Post Offices
  3. AllZenith BankBranches
  4. All Ecobank Branches
  5. All UBA Branches
  6. All GT Bank branches

Payment for the Application should be by Bank Draft payable to the Rector, Kumasi Polytechnic.

All applicants are required to apply online ( They are also required to download and print completed online application form and attach two (2) passport pictures, two (2) photocopies of relevant documents/certificates and payment voucher to be submitted to the address below.

The Acting Registrar

Kumasi Polytechnic

Post Office Box 854


For general admission enquiries call 0322392522 OR 0208631812

Closing Date for Application: 29thJuly, 2016

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