KNUST Short Courses in Renewable Energy Technologies 2017
The Energy Center,KNUSThas opened application into its 1-week intensive short training course in renewable energy. This informative short course is targeted at Students, Practicing Engineers Technicians, Energy Policy Professionals, NGO’s etc.
Our courses provide information and resources to fully equip participants with the requisite skills and knowledge in the area of renewable energy through teaching, hands-on practice in laboratories/ workshops, and field trips.
Courses Offered Include:
- Solar Photovoltaic;
- BiogasTechnology;
- Renewable Energy Project Analysis.
Date:09 – 13 January, 2017 (All courses are run concurrently).
Courses/ Fees
- Solar Photovoltaic / GH¢ 700/ US$ 250;
- Biogas Technology / GH¢ 500/ US$ 180;
- Renewable Energy Project Analysis / GH ¢500/ US$ 180.
Special Offer
A special discount is available for the “early birds” and all female applicants.
For course application, kindly download application form here and send filled out application via email to or present a hard copy to The Brew-Hammond Energy Centre Main Office, Petroleum Building, Third Floor, College of Engineering, KNUST.
Follow the payment instructions on page 2 of the application form and send proof of payment to same address above.
Please call +233 20 9105213, +233 50 1125035, or +233 24 3506924 for further enquiries.
Download course brochure here and view our photos of our previous session here and here