Categories: Ghana Blog


Corporate Profile

BANK OF AFRICA – GHANA (BOA-GHANA) commenced operation in Ghana in 2011 after BANK OF AFRICA Group (BOA Group) acquired majority interest in Amalgamated Bank (Amalbank) on 2nd of February 2011.

With this acquisition, the BOA Group has consolidated its presence within the West African region and is therefore strategically well placed to facilitate cross – border trade within the larger West African region.

The Bank Of Africa Group has presence in 15 African countries namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic Of Congo, Djibouti, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo and Uganda.

Additionally, the Bank Of Africa Group owns three leasing companies, a housing finance company, a stock brokerage company, two investment companies and an Information Technology subsidiary.

Bank Of Africa Group’s majority shareholder, is Bank Maroccaine du Commerce Exterieur (BMCE Bank). BMCE Bank is Africa’s twelfth (12th ) largest bank and is actively involved in Capital Market, Asset Management, Stock Brokerage, Consumer Credit, Asset Leasing, Credit Insurance, Custody and Advisory services.

BOA-GHANA is a commercial bank, offering a wide range of financial products and services that covers sectors of Retail, SME and Corporate Banking. .

Our Vision

To be the preferred Bank to our chosen markets.
Our Mission

  • To serve our customer with efficiency and courtesy.
  • To contribute to the development of all our stakeholders
  • To optimize the growth of BOA Group through synergies and common development plans.
  • To promote growth and stability of the economies we operate in.



We seek to attain high standards of customer service, accountability, efficiency, respect and confidentiality. We endeavour to build long term mutually beneficial relationship with our customers.


We strive to attain and maintain consistent high levels of honesty, fairness and openness with our stakeholders.

Team work

We aspire to build trust, strong relationship, encouragement and support for each other. We build a multi faceted organization where our diversity may be harnessed to work for the betterment of the common goal


We are committed to continuous improvement in the delivery of products and services. We leverage on technology advances, encourage creativity and provide a platform for the generation and implementation of new ideas.

Staff Development

Our staff is our most valued asset in achieving our goals. In recognition of this; we provide exceptional opportunities for learning and personal development. We recognize and reward excellent performance.

Customer Focused

We anticipate and understand our customer needs so as to offer imaginative solutions. We work with a sense of urgency and commitment and seize every opportunity to delight our customers. We continuously strive to perfect our processes in order to provide world class services.

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