National Disaster Management Organization

National Disaster Management Organization...

National Disaster Management Organization

2016 NADMO Recruitment Or Enlistment

Company Name:  National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO)
Address:  P. O. Box CT 3994 Cantonments,Accra
  Plot 3. Brigade East Kanda
Location:  Kanda
Region:  Greater Accra
Phone:  028 – 9554061 / 020 201 9090 /0302 – 780221 / 762593


THE TEN CHECKPOINT LIST TO MAKING CITIES RESILIENT OUR COLLABORATORS IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION UNDP UNISDR OCHA WFP UNHCR EXTERNAL LINKS Prevention Web Ministry of the Interior VISION NADMO seeks to enhance the capacity of society to prevent and manage disasters and to improve the livelihood of the poor and vulnerable in rural communities through effective disaster management, social mobilisation and employment generation. MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Organisation is: “To manage disasters by co-ordinating the resources of government institutions and non-governmental agencies, and developing the capacity of communities to respond effectively to disasters and improve their livelihood through social mobilization, employment generation and poverty reduction projects.”


“To manage disasters by co-ordinating the resources of government institutions and non-governmental agencies, and developing the capacity of communities to respond effectively to disasters and improve their livelihood through social mobilization, employment generation and poverty reduction projects.”

This is done by:

  • Reviewing of the National, Regional and District Disaster Management Plans (DDMPs) for effective implementation.
  • Linking Disaster ManagementProgrammesto theGhanaPoverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS), and re-afforestation.
  • Building capacity of staff and stakeholders.
  • Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Risk Management countrywide.
  • Public awareness creation through media discussions, publiceducationand training of community members and Disaster Volunteer Groups (DVGs).
  • Provision of skills and inputs for Disaster Volunteer Groups for employment generation and poverty reduction.
  • Rehabilitation and reconstruction of educational and other social facilities destroyed by fire, floods rainstorms and other disasters.

Related Links

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National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO)

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