University of Cape Coast 2017/2018 Admission Intake
University of Cape Coastaccept applications from qualified persons for admission into undergraduate, graduate, sandwich and distanceprogrammesfrom Jan – April each year.
Applicants are to buy scratch cards which will enable them to apply online. The scratch cards are up for sale at the centers listed below:
(a) Cashier’s Office, University of Cape Coast (Mode of payment – CASH)
(b)GhanaPost Offices at the Regional Capitals – (Mode of payment – POSTAL ORDER)
(c) University of Cape Coast –AccraOffice, Tesano – Accra (Mode of payment – CASH)
(d) Kumasi Workers’ College, Kumasi (Mode of payment – CASH)
(e) I-J Consult, Kasoa – Nyanyano Road, Near Witty Kids Int. School (Mode of payment – CASH)
(f) All UCC College of DistanceEducation(CoDE) Study Centres (Mode of payment: GCB Bankers Draft in the name of The Registrar, University of Cape Coast)
Post-SSSCE/WASSCE – GH¢220.00
Post-Diploma – GH¢230.00
International Applicants – USD$120.00
International applicants and Ghanaian applicants abroad can make payment by VISA Card and have their Scratch Card PIN sent to their e-mail addresses to enable them to complete their applications online.
The deadlines for the sale of Application scratch cards and the submission of completed application forms will always be communicated each year.
Applicants should visitApply Nowfor further instructions.
All applicants are required to provide the following information at the back of the large EMS envelope: (a) application reference number (b) full name (c) postal address (d) first choiceprogrammeand (e) application category which should be one of the following:
SSSCE/WASSCE or Post-Diploma or Post First Degree or OTHER (to be specified by applicant).
Applicants are advised to read application instructions as well as the contents of the admissions brochure very carefully before completing the online application form. Applications on which APPLICATION REFERENCE NUMBERS are not indicated will not be processed.
Entry requirements for admission into programmes of study for both local and international students include the following:
A. WASSCE/SSSCE: Applicants should have credit passes in six (6) subjects with overall aggregate of 36/24 at the WASSCE/SSSCE respectively.
Three of the six subjects should be core subjects: English Language,Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies and three must be in relevant electives.
For purposes of admission, a credit pass in :
i. WASSCE means A1 – C6
ii. SSSCE means A – D
B. General Certificate ofEducation(GCE) Advanced Level: Applicants should, in addition to credit passes in five (5) GCE ‘O’ Level subjects (including English and Mathematics), have three (3) passes in the relevant subjects at the Advanced Level.
C. GeneralBusinessCertificate Examination (GBCE): Applicants should have credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects including English Language and Mathematics plus three (3) relevant elective subjects.
D. International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE): Applicants should have credit passes in five (5) GCE ‘O’ Level subjects (including English and Mathematics) and three (3) passes in the relevant subjects at the Advanced Level.
E. International Baccalaureate (IB): Applicants should have a minimum of grade 4 at the Higher Level in three (3) subjects relevant to the programme of choice (minimum of grade 5 forHealthand Allied Sciences). Applicants should, in addition, have a minimum of grade 4 in English/Literature and Mathematics (SL).
F. American High School Grade 12 Examinations. Applicants should have a Final Grade point of 3.0.
Applicants are required to read specific Departmental/programme requirements contained in the Admissions Brochure before completing the online application.
Fee-paying facilities are available for candidates/applicants who are unable to meet the competitive cut-off points determined by the Joint Admissions Committee.
Applicants who wish to be considered may complete and attach the fee-paying forms (available at the sale centres or downloaded from the university’s admissions portal) to their printed online application forms. Such candidates shall be required to meet the minimum admission requirements. Copies of last year’s cut-off points for the various programmes are available at the sale centres and the University’s website for applicants’ guidance.
Applicants who are applying into School of Medical Sciences should note that the programme is strictly fee-paying.
SSSCE/WASSCE candidates applying for B.Ed (Physical Education) should note that the date for the practical examinations will be announced later.
(a) Two copies of completed online application forms accompanied by two copies of results slips should be sent by POST and NOT delivered by hand.
Copies of the completed online application forms should reach the Director, Directorate of Academic Affairs (DAA), University of Cape Coast.
Applicants are to ensure that application forms are posted early enough to be received before the deadline for submission as forms received after the deadline will not be processed.
(b) No additional documents will be accepted after submission of completed application forms. Applicants are to note that only photocopies of certificates or result slips should accompany completed application forms. Original certificates/result slips of applicants offered admission will be inspected before registration. The documents accompanying the application forms are not returnable.
(c) Application forms received without Application Reference Numbers, two (2) copies each of WASSCE/SSSCE results slips or transcripts, in the case of Post-Diploma and other applicants, will not be processed (this does not apply to persons awaiting results).
A change of programme after the submission of application forms will NOT be allowed.
The Registrar, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast,Ghana.
Telephone: +233 [03321]32440, +233 [03321] 32480-9
Fax: +233 [03321] 32484