Postgraduate Certificate in Public Administration (CPA)
Objectives of CPA
The main purpose of the course is to broaden the outlook of participants and thereby improve their operational effectiveness. Specifically, the course will aim at
Deepening their understanding of administrative concepts and processes;
Acquainting them with the relevant theories underlying day-to-day practices in management and administration in a developing country;
Equipping them with the basic tools and skills of management to enable them function as administrators in their respective environments; and
Providing opportunities for the exchange of experiences and ideas and networking.
Principles and Practices of Public Administration
Principles o f Management
GhanaPublic Administration System (including public sector reforms)Local Government Studies.
Elements of Public Sector Economics
Basic Principles of Economics
Human Resource Management (including Organisational behaviour)
Legal and Regulatory framework for public Servants
Communication and Administrative Skills for the Public Administrator
Principles of ManagementA synopsis of the content of each subject will be presented separately.
New graduate entrants to the professional cadres of the civil service, middle level administrative personnel in public boards/organisations, private sector organisations and senior officers of the Armed Forces.
For further information, please contact:
The Director,GIMPAPublic Services School (GPSS)
GhanaInstitute of Management and Public Administration
P. O. Box AH50, Achimota,Accra– Ghana.
Fax: 0302-404664
The AdministrativeManager
GIMPA Public Services School (GPSS)
Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration (GIMPA)
P. O. Box AH 50, Achimota.Accra, Ghana
Tel/Fax: 0302-404664