Categories: Scholarships

Loch Law Scholarship Program 2018 / 2019

Loch Law Scholarship Program 2018 / 2019

 Thisscholarshipprogram is open to all students who are enrolled in any full-time or part-time law program in any college or university across the world. Scholarship Award Value – $500/ £350. Student to whom the scholarship is awarded is free to use this money towards any of his/hereducationrelated expenses. What do you need to do to apply? To apply for this Scholarship, you need to write an Essay of no more than 1500 words on ANY 1 of the topics mentioned underneath: Topic 1: Explain why companies today need dedicated Employment Lawyers. Topic 2: Explain the challenges faced by Employers today Topic 3: Explain the changing employment scenario (example: flexi-hours, paternity leave, etc.) and how employees need to stay informed to handle the same effectively. Essay should be written in word document. Name the file as ‘Your name_LLScholarship17-18’. Essay should be written in English language The essay should be proofread for spelling mistakes, facts and grammatical errors. Where relevant data sources should be mentioned

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This scholarship program is open to all students who are enrolled in any full-time or part-time law program in any college or university across the world.

Test your English

Prepare for your study by taking the most popular and most accepted English language proficiency test. Book an IELTS test 


$500/ £350. Student to whom the scholarship is awarded is free to use this money towards any of his/hereducationrelated expenses.


Send an email to with the subject line – ‘Application for Scholarship Program 2017-18’ Include the following details in the email: Your full name Passport size photo Name of the school/college and course/program in which you are enrolled for the current academic year Proof of Enrollment Your contact details (include your email ID), where we can reach you if you are awarded the scholarship NOTE: Make sure to attach your Essay along with the mail.   Judging Criteria: All applications will be reviewed by an expert panel constituted by our external experts. Applications will be judged on Reality Orientation, Creativity & Evidence of Thoroughness. Winner will be decided by majority vote of the expert panel.
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