Wa Polytechnic 2016/2017 Admissions 2016/2017 admissions

Wa Polytechnic 2016/2017 Admissions...

Wa Polytechnic 2016/2017 Admissions

2016/2017 admissions

Admissions in to HND and non-tertiaryprogrammesis currently open.

Follow the instructions below to apply.

    1. Visit the nearest GCB for theWa Polytechnic’s addmissions E-VOUCHER
    2. Click here to go to admission page or visit www.wapolytechnic.edu.gh
    3. Select HND/Non-Tertiary underApply Nowto apply for HND and non-tertiary programmes
    4. If you are a new applicant, click Create New Account to obtain a valid Username and Password
    5. Log in with your Username and Password created
    6. When Login is successful, start filling the application form

You will be required to upload a White Background Passport-size Photograph not larger than 300kb in jpg/jpeg or gif formats

All applicants are required to upload their Certificates/Results Slips in jpg/jpeg or gif formats
All required fields are marked *, and must be competed before you can proceed
At any stage of the application process, you can logout and continue later
Remember to keep your Username and Password. You can always login after the applications are closed to check the status of your application. Successful candidates shall be required to download their provisional admission letters using their Username and Password

Return two (2) copies of the application form, Certificates/Results Slips and Birth/Baptismal Certificate by EMS to:

The Registrar
Wa Polytechnic
P.O. Box 553
WA – Upper West Region

For further enquiries, call the following numbers


or send e-mail to


Admissions in to HND and non-tertiaryprogrammesis currently open.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: