Categories: Good Husband Guide

How to Affair – Proof Your Marriage

A husband or wife can introduce certain elements into their marriage toguard against their spouse cheating, and to make sure they don’t stray themselves. Figuring out how to affair proof your marriage becomes amatter of avoiding temptation and creating a fulfilling romance inside theconfines of your spousal relationship. You might not ever be able toentirely affair-proof your marriage, because you’re always dealing with the thoughts, passions, and actions of another person. But a married couple have to trust each other, and these steps should give you good reason to place trust in your husband or wife.

Remain Affectionate

Maintainoutward signs of affection in your marriage. Be sure to hug and kiss oneanother every day. Share pet names and in-jokes between the two of you.These outward displays of affection and friendship highlight the fact thetwo of you have a special relationship with one another, a connection noother person in your life shares. Relationship studies show that couples whomaintain outward displays of affection tend to stay together. Closeness is akey.

Stay Romantic

Keep romance in your marriage. This doesn’t have to be some granddisplay with hot air balloons and showers of roses. Sometimes, the smallestromantic gestures mean just as much. Get roses from the florist on the wayhome. Write her a love note. Send her a romantic text or email. Call her inthe middle of the day (but only seldom) to tell her how much she means toyou. Tiny romantic moments dotting your days and weeks help to remind heryou don’t just share a mortgage and a set of kids, but you were first andforemost a romantic couple.

Have a Date Night

Towards that end, maintain a regular date night that’s for the two ofyou.Pretend the two of you are still dating and you’ll keep therelationship fresh. Find new restaurants to try. Go to the nearest resortfor a night. Make it more than dinner at your favorite restaurant and amovie. Those are great, but keeping things fresh is important. It’sstimulating and you see your partner in a new light.

Have a Common Interest

As maturing men and women, married couples don’t always have a lot ofoverlapping interests in their lives. You might have once thought thetwo of you had plenty in common when you were younger, but a man and a womanare different creatures and they tend to have a lot of different pastimes.Find a hobby or activity the two of you can share, because this lets youshare each other’s company in a natural and stimulating way.

Try new activities or hobbies together. Take up dancing or startexercising together. Take a night class in some subject (painting,photography) that interests both of you. Volunteer together at your favoritecharity. Find something both of you (honestly) enjoy and start sharing.

Talk More Often

These last few marriage tips naturally lead to a man and his wifetalking to each other more often. When you first started dating, youcould probably sit on the couch and talk for hours, or sit on the phone andbe engrossed with what each other did all day. The two of you have probablylong since gotten bored with hearing about the everyday, so sharing newromantic experiences and common interests gives you new things to talkabout. The important thing is to be able to sit and talk and not argue whileyou do it. Enjoy each other’s company.

Share Intimacy

One of the quickest ways to have one partner stray in a marriage is tostop having sex. People are sexual beings and, if you take any twosexual partners and they stop having sex, the odds are that one of them isgoing to start looking for sensual fulfillment elsewhere. The more often youhave sex with your wife or husband, the less likely they are to fantasizeabout other people–and act on those fantasies. Married sex isn’t a panacea,but it can’t hurt.

The biggest pitfall of the steady parade of sex with your wife is thatit gets stale, so find ways to keep things fresh. It doesn’t take muchto add in a new element. The date night helps this, because the two of youcan find new places to have sex, such as a resort or local hotel room. Sexylingerie and alternate sensory stimulation (wax, ice, maybe even blindfolds)are ways you can add in a slightly different element. The point being, youcan find ways to spice things up a bit and still maintain a married sexuallife. The important thing is you each make the effort, because intimacy isessential to maintaining a healthy married in most cases.

Avoid Porn

Men often find an outlet for their sexual urges through video andonline pornography. Some couples sometimes find their sex life istricked up by watching pornography together. You’ll find cases where pornhas an effect on their marriage as a whole, except maybe to keep itinteresting for both parties. But as a general rule, porn creates moreproblems than it solves.

Pornography tends to foster unrealistic expectations in men when itcomes to a woman’s body, sexual performance, and comfort with strange sexualpositions. A husband with a lone porn addiction is likely to find hiswife less and less appealing and life in the bedroom less and lessimportant. This opens the door for spouses drifting apart and findingfulfillment elsewhere. If you find as a couple that porn makes married sexbetter for the two of you, by all means continue. But I would always suggesta married man make Internet porn a tiny part of his sexual fantasies.

Keep Your Word

This is going to sound old-fashioned, but on your wedding day, youstood in front of all your friends and family members and gave your wordthat you would love, honor, and cherish your spouse all the day’s of yourlife.Whether you view a vow in front of God or in front of all thepeople in your life a more important vow, you gave it. If you breaks yourmarriage vows, you’ve made yourself a liar in front of all these people. Sokeep your word and maintain your honor.

Some would take this to mean that you stay married no matter what. Iwon’t take it that far, because some marriages are obviously a bad idea andthey bring nothing but torment and psychological scarring to the husband,wife, and kids. Try everything to make a marriage work, but if you decideto end the marriage, do it the right way. Dissolve your marriage vowsand walk away with your honor intact. “Honor” is a quaint term that doesn’thave much meaning anymore, but if people can’t trust you at your word on thebig things, you can’t earn respect or expect people to trust you on thelittle, everyday things.

Set Boundaries in Your Marriage

Having ground rules help. Talk to your wife and set boundariesneither of you will cross. When I say boundaries, I mean lines you won’tcross with a member of the opposite sex who isn’t your spouse. Theseboundaries are going to be different for each couple, but they might include”never being alone” or “never going out on the town alone” or “not puttingtheir number in your speed dial” or “never giving them your email” or even”never flirting”. The rules are different for each couple.

One reason the bounds vary is that people have different psychologicalbackgrounds and social needs. Maybe you or your tend wife tends to bethe jealous type. If this is so, then special precautions need to be taken,because rampant jealous and accusations can destroy a marriage about asquick as anything. It’s important to remember your partner’s feelings inthis, because whether they seem rational to you, they find them important.Set boundaries and stick to them. Never stray from the rules and it’s goingto be hard to stray in a marriage.

How to Avoid Extra – Marital Affairs

Avoiding extramarital affairs over the course of your life isn’t easy.It’s a long life and the two of you have to satisfy and content one anotherfor decades and decades. With many people, as soon as a taboo is set, theforbidden becomes enticing and exciting. If you have the type of spouse whois going to set rules only to break them, your marriage was never going tolast in the first place. But if the two of you love one another, make a goodfaith effort to stay faithful, and follow these steps, you have a goodchance of proofing your marriage against infidelity.

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