While visiting the camp with my school, we had heard whispers of help and saw a female dripping wet in the middle of the words wearing a white gown. Now, at first I figured I was seeing stuff, but not only I saw it, but so did two of my friends and the 15 boys in the cabin across from ours. I, being the insane one, attempted to approach the figure. I got a foot within the figure and she disappeared. I was scared. I fell backwards onto the ground, screaming. I am 14 years old. And I will never forget her face.My husband and I purchased our first home. It had been built in 1972 and we moved in July 4th weekend 2004.We had learned through the previous owner a little bit about the history of the home.He was divorced and had purchased the house as an investment but also as a place where his boys could have their own rooms. He confessed that he hadn’t made any changes to the home since he moved in three years before.We had an opportunity to chat with him during the closing on the house and he had said the home was owned by a widow that had two teenage children.I lived next store to a little boy named Jimmy, I used to call him little helper because he was a really helpful little boy
Real Ghost Stories
While visiting the camp with my school, we had heard whispers of help and saw a female dripping wet in the middle of the words wearing a white gown. Now, at first I figured I was seeing stuff, but not only I saw it, but so did two of my friends and the 15 boys in the cabin across from ours. I, being the insane one, attempted to approach the figure. I got a foot within the figure and she disappeare...