Categories: 94% Game Answers

94 Percent Game Answers Level 116 117 118 119 120

I just got new update for 94% game now we can play level 116 to 120 with this question : Things you shout, Things you get delivered, Scuba diving picture, Types of spices / herbs, Words that begin with double letters, Ice cream stick picture, English words that end with “x”, Types of gemstones, Sheep picture, The first thing you wash in the shower, … roll, A clock picture, Ways to kill time, Things that have a remote control, A gamer picture. Now I want to share the cheats and answers, This game available for android and iOS and this post created for gamer who play using android, because I know that the 94% for iOS now have 130 level and some question are similar with the android version but the level completely different so if you use this 94% game answers for the iphone and ipad then you must find the solutions by it’s question, still useful for both device.

Things you shout : Names, Stop, Hey, Fire, Yay, Bye, Help
Things you get delivered : Furniture, Food, Mail, Clothes, Flowers, Newspaper, Baby
Scuba diving picture : Oxygen, Mask, Scuba, Hose

Types of spices / herbs : Thyme, Rosemary, Garlic, Parsley, Oregano, Mint, Salt, Cinnamon, Pepper, Basil
Words that begin with double letters : Eel, Eerie, Llama, Aardvark, Oops, Ooze
Ice cream stick picture : Popsicle, Stick, Colors, Summer, Ice, Cold

English words that end with “x” : Wax, Fix, Fox, Tax, Fax, Six, Mix, Box
Types of gemstones : Pearl, Amethyst, Topaz, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Opal, Emerald
Sheep picture : Lamb, Grass, Sky, Farm

The first thing you wash in the shower : Hands, Arms, Face, Chest, Armpits, Hair, Feet, Legs
… roll : Drum, Bread, Tootsie, Cinnamon, Sushi, Egg, Rock and
a clock picture: Astrology, Clock, Numbers, Time, Sun

Ways to kill time : Eat, Sleep, Phone, Watch TV, Internet, Music, Read, Games
Things that have a remote control : Light, Garage, Stereo, Video game, Fan, DVD player, Television, Car
A gamer picture : Game, Gamer, Computer, Controller, Headset

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