Categories: Games Answers

90’s Quiz ~ Guess the 90s Answers Pack 4

Did you use all your hints for 90s quiz  ~ guess the 90s game? then you should buy  some credits to use it in next level, how to buy a credits / hints for a game is simple just click the hints button then this game will redirect to a specific url in your browser, you can pay 90s quiz hints using credit card but in some case we prefer to buy using paypal or google checkout. The problem is not all player have a credit cards or even bank account and they still want to play this game so this player will find a cheats or answers like we usually post in this website, we hope some people understand why we create a cheats or answer for a brain teaser game.

1 : music 14 letters : michael jackson 2 : tv blue red green eyes 14 letters : powerpuff girls 3 : character men 8 letters : chandler 4 : tv & movies dog on the fence 9 letters : beethoven
5 : celebrity dark skin straight hair 13 letters : naomi campbell 6 : character man hands inside pants 7 letters : al bundy 7 : music 4 person 1 girl 4 letters : aqua 8 : tv & movies rose at the belly button 16 letters : american beauty
9 : brand green flower 3 letters : icq 10 : tv girl sit on table 10 letters : ally mcbeal 11 : character lion cub 5 letters : simba 12 : music 3 person 1 woman 6 letters : fugees
13 : tv & movies orange and blue suit 13 letters : dumb and dumber 14 : character old man using eyeglass 6 letters : george 15 : video games plumber 5 letters : mario 16 : music male singer 10 letters : vanilla ice
17 : technology computer network 8 letters : internet 18 : tv & movies will smith 10 letters : men in black 19 : character tmnt trident 7 letters : raphael 20 : celebrity female 13 letters : brooke shields
21 : character the simpsons kid 4 letters : bart 22 : technology music player 9 letters : mp3 player 23 : sport football brazil 7 letters : ronaldo 24 : brand domain com 9 6 letters : amazon
25 : music male rapper 8 letters : mc hammer

90’s Quiz Guess the 90s pack 4 has been completed, pack 5 and 6 will be posted in different pages of this website, if you found a wrong answers or different picture show on your screen please send a message to our facebook fan pages we will investigate those glitch and help you to find the solutions if available.

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