Categories: Games Answers

Icomania Answers Level 16 and 17

We just add new icomania answers for level 16 and 17, the reason why we still play this icon game is this game is the best and simple among the other icon game which available for android and iOS, until this level we feel this game still challenging and cool. In this update developer remove several category  city and country but you still can play category : brand, tv & movies, famous people, character

Level 16

tv & movies : cap and pants tv & movies : doctor blonde famous people : red lips brown hair tv & movies : red shirt black vest
famous people : lady pink dress famous people : dark skin, black eyeglass character : black duck famous people: long whiskers
brand : black tribal brand : pso famous people: girl with mole on lip brand : G G
famous people: singer red hair band famous people: using coat and smoke brand : letters OS tv & movies : letters LO
brand : blue and yellow wic character : dark skin use eyeglass and mustached tv & movies : couple in beach tv & movies : stairs in sky
brand : door and stair character : man dark hair and white shirt famous people : with paint in face brand : green and red
character : white mask and red cheeks character : sin city character : grey bear character : little girl red shirt
character : man with sniper crosshairs character : using suit and glasses character : cat black brand : letters via
tv & movies : sheriff tv & movies : shark fins character : green body long eyebrows famous people : man smile brown hair
character : lady red hair and bikini famous people : kung fu brand : letter asi tv & movies : man use suit and cap
brand : letter as tv & movies : letters BL brand : circle and stars character : toys story astronauts
tv & movies : pie brand : letters DA brand : knight battle

Level 17

brand : yellow circle and red brand : fire tv & movies : hold hand famous people : man play trumpet
brand : red roof famous people : curly hair, with  beard and mustache famous people : bald brown shirt famous people : telescope and globe
brand : letter ico brand : letter play famous people : curly hair tv & movies : warrior with sword
character : man with scar on face character : red hair humpback brand : letter OR character : scooby doo green shirt
character : yellow lightning brand : letters fos brand : yellow bear famous people : brown hair white clothes
character : fly with umbrella brand : letter pfiz brand : crocodile tv &  movies : marijuana
character : cat and boots famous people : old man with beard with film background tv & movies : warrior hold sword tv & movies : hand with seven fingers
tv & movies : fat man with round eye glass tv & movies : man bald black vest famous people : man with beard hold trophy academy award character : blue with earring and beard

Icomania answers for level 16 & 17 completed, this is the last level available to play in this update you must wait to play for level 18 and 19, while waiting this game update we suggest you try 100 doors runaway or pic combo, you can download those game at Google play Store.

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