This is the last update for what’s the saying answers level 101 to 200, we hope you never give up with this game because found a difficult level we know lot a player cannot solve earlier level and find cheats to complete it. You can use online anagram solver if cannot find solutions at any website.
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1. stick man think 2. stick man say :think before you speak
meta meta meta meta :metaphor
no x qqqq :no excuse
1. sight 2. sight 3. sight :love at first sight
cover police cap :undercover cop
stick man stand on world :on top of the world
brain and matter :mind over matter
E anything anything anything anything :ready for anything
ten Good tions :good intentions
white box inside :inside out
horizontal woman silhouette :woman on the side
stick man inside box :inside man
star lover lover :star crossed lovers
4 bee and paddle :to be or not to be
vice + vice :advice
feet film :feature film
u 111 :someone is behind you
square, letters fair :fair and square
letters time e in red color :ready in time
purple and green dice :paradise
touch letters raising :touch up
letter point int vanish :vanishing point
moon letter raise :moonrise
zero phd md bs mba ba :five degrees below zero
2 boat dock :paradox
WALK town :walk around town
four E around red E :ready for more
WALK around lego :walk around the block
rose inside ring :ring around the rose
running above empty :running on empty
letters vit_min :vitamin a deficiency
11111111 above clock :once upon a time
letters 2 one :two in one
couple plus couple :summary
man with beard above chess board :man overboard
man jugling a ball above bulb :neon light
note and back hair :quarter back
multiply sugar sugar sugar :sugar cube
city tic circle :artic circle
scale letters di and et :balanced diet
10 letter cut :cut above the rest
hand am you you :top of the morning to you
TTTT ear corn ear corn :forty years
honey and moon :honeymoon
warrior rose and letter N :rose and garden
two fingers, five fingers, clench and card 6 heart :all hands on deck
10 ant :tenant
bee and man in :believe
broken letters fast :breakfast
six coins :sixth sense
dry tree and letters out :out on a limb
man imagine a sandwich :great minds think alike
bag of money and man with pipe :pay the piper
tooth brush and the death :brush with death
three lemon cup :the last straw
box and a pig :pig out
rains pours rains pours rains pours :when it rains it pours
9 yards :the whole nine yards
tooth and letters long :long in the tooth
arrow down letters chow :chow down
bird and pig say hi :high on the hog
6 color lie hand points to white :white lie
a map and 3 omelet :x marks the spot
3 dogs and one cat :catty corner
hat inside drop :drop of a hat
dog below tree and cat above the tree :barking up the wrong tree
letter toss :toss up
12 chef :bakers doze
bark bark bark bark dog :all bark and no bite
piece of tart :piece of cake
12 small coins 1 big coins :a dime a dozen
hook and fish :off the hook
man kicking bucket :kick the bucket
3 fish 1 smiley sleep :sleep with the fisher
ace in the bag :ace in the hole
3 all on right :alright
man hit a road :hit the road
cat out the bag :the cat is out of the bag
2 arrow up date 25 :up to date
pipe and hands down :pipe down
blue monkey face :blue in the face
sleep on letters it :sleep on it
price tag :costs an arm and a leg
sun moon and cloud above sad smiley :under the weather
diamond 10 live and mouth :live hand to mouth
black circle and letters on :on the spot
dog and cat rain :raining cats and dogs
male symbol and trash can :junk mail
3 puffer fish :low blow
two smiley face :two faces
rags arrow down red car :rags to riches
du down arrow mps :down in the dumps
lottery ticket :grab a bite
jump a conclusion :jump to conclusion
beat around the tree :beat around the bush
fishing z z z z :catch some zs
running to top arrow :up and running
man body a red and blue pipe :the cold shoulder
4 lines hand point to bottom line :the bottom line
what’s the saying cheats completed we must wait for the new update to play next level, you can play little riddles while waiting the developer add new level, or you can help other solve this game at our facebook page.