Categories: Games Walkthrough

100 Doors 2 Beta Level 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Update 100 doors 2 beta level 61 to 75 a simple walkthrough that can save your internet quota rather than a video that you can found at youtube. nothing to worry this 15 level are easy to solve i bet all gamer will solve this game less than 30 minutes, no bug or glitch that reported for this new update so all level is able to solve, but if you still need a clue or even a cheats for 100 doors 2 below is our result you can see the clue or read the guide cheers. 

level 61. pick up gold sword then use to release white sword ( tap and slide) use white / gold sword to hit jar, pick up key and open door.

level 62. slide left fragment at the right floor, tilt phone left and pick up skull, put skull at left cross then tap skull, loose right door latch, tap skull 6-7 times to open left cover then loose latch.

level 63. tap shield several times until it fall, pick it then put at the left floor and tap handle to remove nail, shake your android to make body armor fall, pick up helmet then put at the hammer and slide it down until door open.

level 64. open medicine box and pick up tape, shake your android right to make trash fall, use tape at the bottle then glove, pick up glove then use at the finger scanner.

level 65. pick up lasso then connect with top right rope, pick up watermelon then slide lasso down and put watermelon at the guillotine / cutter and release lasso, repeat until you found a key.

level 66. slide barrel then pick up gun and use to shot buffalo skull, pick up horn then put at the purple rectangle above cactus its become handle then put bucket here, pick up 3 stone and put inside bucket.

level 67. pick up cassette at the floor put into boom box, shake your android to make zombie fall.

level 68. pick up crowbar then use to hit creature, kill them all.

level 69. pick up blue balloon put at the helium tube, pick up thread from the box and put at the balloon, pick up hook at the box then put at the thread now slide balloon into hole use hook to pick up key.

level 70. tap on/off button, slide table left then tap on/off button, tap button on the floor then tap on/off button, slide table right tap on/off button secret box hit the floor and broken, pick up key.

level 71. pick up shotgun then shot 8 duck.

level 72. tap stone from left to right.

level 73. tap globe then pick up telescope, use it to see planet at sky, left 3 middle 7 right 1 ( not count the dots but shape) open door with code 371.

level 74. feed pac man with fruit, focus to move the fruit not the pac man.

level 75. pick up jack then put at the front wheel, shake your android to get a stick to raise jack, open rear car trunk pick up wheel, raise jack and put wheel, remove jack and tap car.

Congrats now you reach the last walkthrough 100 doors 2 level 75, we hope new level will be added soon. If you want to play this game at your iphone or windows phone you can contact mpi as the developer to release the other version and share the result here at the levelstuck.

People looking for:

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  • 100 doors 2 level 70
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