Categories: Games Walkthrough

100 Doors 2013 Walkthrough Level 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

Update 100 doors 2013 walkthrough for next 10 level start from 101 to 110, we found that in this update lot of math used to solve this game, not difficult if you know the clue but may be some gamer stuck with this new update and cannot continue to next level. But with this walkthrough we hope you can pass this “difficult” puzzle game and play other level.

Level 101: pick up all Christmas ball and put on the tree match with gift box color, then tap Christmas ball according to the tape on the box see preview above, 1 mean one time and 2 mean two times.

Level 102: tilt your phone left, see green pipe forming 147 and yellow pipe forming 251. so the code is 147251

Level 103: this is mirrored tap matchstick to change direction see preview above.

Level 104: pick up pliers use it to cut cable above lamp, see clue above door L: left, R :Right. 
point left arrow to 10 and right arrow to 10 then tap fix
point left arrow to 20 and right arrow to 10 then tap fix
point left arrow to 20 and right arrow to 40 then tap fix
point left arrow to 20 and right arrow to 35 then tap fix.

Level 105: n = lightning symbol, n> = smaller lightning symbol, n/2 = bigger lightning symbol, n@ = tap symbol on the circle CCW start from n, to win this level tap 43165123.

Level 106: tap roll paper 123 and hand (4) then close all roll paper, tap roll paper 567 and hand (4). the clue is on the door and top.

Level 107: count darker square beside door

II+X : 14 + 13   = 27
III – / : 49 – 13 = 36
| + – : 12 + 10   = 22

and the answer is 273622.

Level 108: shake your phone to rearrange number then find number that can divide by 2 : 4 92 12. now slide the blackboard to the door see number 23 67 67 4. The answer is 4 92 12 23 67 67 4.

Level 109: tilt phone left and tap number 343, tilt phone right and tap number 21, tilt phone left and tap number 344, tilt phone right and tap 121121. (tilt until button change to green)

Level 110: tilt phone upside down pick up box and put at press tool then tilt your phone to normal, tilt phone upside down pick up ball and put at press tool repeat this 3 times then put box and press it.

Thank you for use our walkthrough, we will add more walkthrough in next few hour please bookmark this website to get latest 100 doors 2013 walkthrough.

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  • 100 doors 2013 level 101
  • 100 doors 2013 level 102
  • 100 doors 2013 level 105
  • 100 doors 2013 level 106
  • 100 doors 2013 level 103
  • 102 level in 100 doors 2013
  • 100 doors level 101
  • 100doors2013 level 105
  • 2013100doors 105
  • doors level 105

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