Categories: Games Walkthrough

100 Doors Runaway Walkthrough level 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

100 doors runaway just updated today, theres new 10 level availble to play and we already complete this 10 level, some level is easy but there’s also few difficult level   like level 42 45 46. Below is our 100 doors runaway walkthrough.

Level 41: there’s 12  triangle button tap 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 (button must point to bottom to enable) tilt phone when tap button 4 to 12

level 42: tap 5 and 6 triangle with brown background,  ( bottom right ) until you hear sound “tling” ( correct ) tap triangle 5 8 5  at middle, tap 6 and 3 at top, tap triangle 7 and 8 at middle.

level 43: pick up screwdriver and use it to fix cable, turn on green light top and middle and tap on/off, turn on middle and bottom tap on/off, turn on top and bottom tap on/off

level 44: shake phone to make sledge hammer drop, the use it to hit door

level 45: tap square from the small to large : bottom right left middle, middle right, middle, middle rectangle, top right, left

level 46: tap play to see ball, now count red ball, green ball and blue ball : result is 431 use this to open door lock

level 47: pick up binocular and throw it to the rock, pick up lens and put at straw now pick up key and use it to open panel / box on wall, use binocular to see code above door ( between light) 17539

level 48: pick up chainsaw and money, put money at gas machine now fill the chainsaw with fuel, use chainsaw to open door slide from bottom right to bottom left

level 49: pick up crowbar at top left use it to release 2nd ring, now slide all ring to left and count color
1 : 2+3 =5
2: 6
3: 4-2 =2
4: 2*3 = 6

result is : 5626

level 50: see the alphabet there’s missing “e i o u” now find the number position

e = 5
i  = 9
o = 15
u = 21

result : 591521

done you complete 100 doors runaway level 41 to 50, this game will be updated soon please bookmark this page to get the latest cheats

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  • 100 doors runaway level 41
  • 100 doors runaway level 42
  • 100 doors runaway level 43
  • 100 doors runaway level 45
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  • 100 doors runaway level 41 walkthrough
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  • how to play 45 level of 100 dores escape

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