Categories: LuLaRoe

Join LuLaRoe: There’s Room for Everyone!

I started with LuLaRoe just about 2 years ago. When I signed up, there were 400 consultants nationwide. I had never worn the leggings, or dresses or skirts! I joined on a wing and a prayer, wanting this to be a successful endeavor.

It has been a crazy awesome ride over the last few years. It’s totally possible to make good money just by selling the clothes! We have been able to pay cash for Christmas, buy treats at the movies instead of sneaking them in, enroll our children in sports, and even buy a house!

LuLaRoe has taught me to believe in myself. I’ve gained confidence in myself that I had lost after gaining 100 pounds through 4 pregnancies. I’m dreaming again, something I had stopped doing as the humdrum of adulthood set in. I honestly believe ANYTHING is possible!

Today, there are over 40,000 consultants nationwide and growing exponentially. BUT DON’T WORRY~ there is still room for you! Did you know that in order for LuLaRoe to gain 5% of the clothing retail industry, just 5%, we will need over 150,000 consultants? NOW is the time to join!

You know what’s my favorite part? Yes, the money is nice. But I LOVE to see a women’s face light up when she finds the perfect fit for her body.  For me it is about the relationships with women of all walks of life.

You know, that is what makes me a good sponsor. I build a relationship with my team. I know them individually and I sincerely care about their lives and successes outside of LuLaRoe! I’ve been with the company long enough to weather the storms of rapid growth. I’m totally dedicated to my business and to my team.

Interested? joining the queue. The wait is less than 6 weeks and we can get all your questions answered and have you set up, ready to go as soon as your initial inventory arrives.

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