Categories: Meaning Answers

What does #tbt mean on (Instagram/Snapchat)

confusion ! Confusion ! Confusion ?
here is the solution.
What does tbt mean ?
Tbt – throw back Saturday
Yes you heard right !!
still confused what does tbt stand for ?
It’s just a simple term which used by young generation to retrieve all the old memories and they post it on their social media accounts and caption it as #tbt .
You already see too much throwback posts of your friends and family members on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter e.t.c
It’s just reposting of old stuff/things on social media for attention.
Let’s see where and when to use tbt.
also check –wyd mean/bbw mean

What does tbt stand for  –

people use this term whenever they see any old stuff in their home or any old post which they post it on their social media accounts in throwback times.
They use caption tbt or throw back Thursday
And then post it on their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
their is too much past things which we can post it on our social media accounts.
Like – revisit of school, revisit of college,your old house,your play ground, your office, your old stuff,old posts,pictures,games,toys and much more.
In simple words –
Old stuff/things used for retrieving old memories in present by various ways like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter e.t.c with hashtag of #throwback #saturday #tbt
It’s called tbt.
Over and out.
tbt origin – yes it’s you and we !!!
Young generation is too mad about generating new terms and slangs  over the Internet.
And #tbt is one of them.
most of the tbt posts you will found on Instagram because more than 200 million+ tbt posts available on Instagram.
Instagram is highly used for hashtags with pictures and things go viral.
So guy’s now take your old stuff together click a throwback selfie.
glue #tbt and post it on Instagram.
It’s one of the best way to re feel the old memories.
It’s throwback time guy’s.
so guy’s this post is all about what does tbt mean Instagram.
I hope you get it right meaning of this slang.
It’s just another new generation slang developed by young generation and it’s origin is social media.
Social media is too powerful.
things gone viral in seconds.
Anything you posted on social media have potential to go viral.
So keep spy on your Post’s.
Never ever underestimate the power of social media.
I am not threatening you.
But it’s really dangerous for young people’s.
Just joking !!!
use it and don’t forget to post your #tbt stories on Instagram now.
It’s throwback Saturday.
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