More hunters in Germany

The number of hunting license holders is growing continuously. North Rhine-Westphalia, with more than 91,000 Waidfrauen and men at the forefront. Based on the population in the North, the majority of hunters In the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a hunter comes to 124 inhabitants.

The Trend is unbroken: never have there been so many hunters and hunters in Germany (photo: DJV)

As many as never before: 383.828 people in Germany had in the hunting year 2016/17 (1. April to 31. March) a hunting license, 2,000 persons more than in 2015/16. Since the reunification of 27 years ago, there are now over 72.500 hunters and hunters more – an increase of just under a quarter (23.3 percent). The population grew in the same period, only slightly. The strongest percentage growth within the last hunting year in Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: each about 7 percent, the number of hunters increased to almost 2,700, or approximately 13,000. These and other statistics of the Federation of hunters, released today on the occasion of the “hunt and dog”, Europe’s largest hunting exhibition.

Most of the hunters in relation to the population, above all in the less populated, Northern States of Germany at home: in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 124 inhabitants coming on a hunter, in Schleswig-Holstein, there are 126, and in lower Saxony, 132 inhabitants. Place four Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia (187 inhabitants per hunter). North Rhine-Westphalia lands with 195 inhabitants per hunter in the comparison of countries on the fifth place. In a comparison of the absolute hunter numbers is the most populous state, is at the very front with 91.456 Waidfrauen and men. In Germany, a hunter comes to 214 inhabitants.

According to the current DJV-surveys, there are now 7 percent of the hunters, in the hunter classes, the women’s quota is already almost a quarter. In volunteer activities, 41 percent of the hunters, while women are more often than men. In comparison, the overall population: only 9 percent are volunteers in the environmental and nature protection actively. Based on the professional activity, the composition of the hunting community largely corresponds to the cross-section of the population.


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