Black And Wild

Some black-and-wild-contributions of DJZ at a Glance:

Black wild: The key lies in the forest

In Germany, around 82,000 streams of life too much. This was the result of Dr. Karl Hellmann critical examination of the range results.

Blame lies mainly with the forest hunters are, in his view. Here you will find the analysis of Dr. light’s: “black wild: The key is in the forest”. Issue 8/2012


Circles on sows
In the case of snow in each area, such as a book you can read, where and how many sows in the area stuck. A professional hunter apprentice from the DJZTestrevier reported about his experience and gives 6 tips for successful circles.

Ports for black and wild
Stalking characters to the right conclusions from them, for every hunter is important. The example of the black wild are captured in this post are the most common Connections. Hans-Joachim what do has aware shown in snow, this extensive matter, because much of this can be particularly illustrated well

Background there is a proliferation
A look back in history and across country borders shows that The enormous increase of wild boar is a Europe-wide phenomenon, which is significantly fueled by warming of the climate and food conditions are favourable. An analysis from Austria. Bulletin 10/2005

Black wild in July: killing of children?
In the forest areas, it is in July, what relates to the black and wild, quiet.
The streams are busy with “brood care”. Where the social structures are halfway decent, they live with their piglets in large families. Bulletin 07/2007

Black wild in August: smut!
In the harvest month of August is the presence of sows is not only gratifying, Particularly when the indirect encounter with the sow’s limited to the feeding scars of the previous night. Bulletin 08/2007

Water pigs

Sows like to Wallow, but she does not shy away from the full bath. That they are also true pioneers, of the accept no borders, makes it a particularly characteristic species. Issue 06/2007

General renovation
The black reacts wildly to the changes associated with the onset of spring, and reaches the hair exchange. Our expert explains what to keep in mind when the black coats now.

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