Categories: Coyote Hunting News

Hunting in Calabria, opened in the regional Council of “institutional table”

Hunting in Calabria. “The reform of the law on hunting, especially after the reorganization of the functions for this material that is already assigned to the Provinces, and in the light of the constitution of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, is one of the issues to be taken into serious consideration, and which we even now in our political and legislative commitment”. And’ as they have supported the regional directors Mauro D’acri (delegate to take care of the sector to the regional Council) and Arturo Bova (president of the Commission against the ‘ndrangheta).

The occasion is the meeting in which took part the director Cosimo Caridi), held in recent days, the regional Council and that is earned, first and foremost, to open an “institutional table” comparison that will address the issues of more pressing news in the world of hunting with the purpose of identifying solutions to legislative and administrative provisions more appropriate.

The meeting. D Acres has also announced the call for Wednesday, may 3, at the Citadel, Regional See wildlife hunting. The encounter, introduced from president of Federcaccia Giuseppe Giordano (coordinator of associations for hunting from calabria), was held three months after the sudden death of the head of the Federcaccia regional Gennaro Giuffrè, remembered for his human qualities and for being the reference for the long years of the hunting world of calabria”.

They discussed the Plan of wildlife hunting regional the supervision of the voluntary hunting, the problems of the Companies wildlife hunting regulations for the hunting of wild boar, of the financial rules and the use of funds. In addition to Acre, Bova and Jordan (Federacaccia), have provided contributions to the debate Felicetta, Free Hunting; Bruno Zema, Anuu; Pasquale Martino Italcaccia; Carmine Spezzano, Eps; Domenico Di Masi (in replacement of the regional manager of Joseph Anjou) Enalcaccia and Joseph Spoleto (in representation of the regional manager of Antonio Paolillo) Arcicaccia.

Joseph Giordano has reported “issues and problems on which it is urgent to reflect and intervene in a timely fashion”. In particular, Jordan has pointed out that “hunting does not absorb public funds, being a fund which is financed entirely by the public. To which he added, saw that from the 2010 hunters ‘ associations do not receive from the Region as pertaining to them, it is necessary to define the entitlements of past and at the same time determine the amount of resources that the Region has introitato from taxes paid by hunters in calabria. The sums that are to be used exclusively for the planning of a portfolio of hunting”.

Of Acres, and Bova, for their part, have ensured “maximum care” and the intention “to be responsible, in synergy with hunters ‘ associations, of the issues represented, from the point of view of the political and institutional, with the understanding that “full collaboration to solve problems, to begin from the update of the laws”. Was not unknown to the shortage of staff for the office of the hunting Department, which “must be strengthened”.

Outline the issues to deal with, a particular importance has been acknowledged at the Plan of wildlife hunting regional. “Shipped determinations” were called for “vigilance voluntary hunting”, which is considered “basic to every form of management and control, wildlife and the environment”. On the emergency wild boars, according to hunters ‘ associations “need to open a calm discussion, free of bias and based on evidence of technical wildlife management of the species”; in this sense it was proposed “the amendment of a product specification”.

Source: Zoom24-DentrolaCalabria

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